Reviews: To Read or Not to Read

That is the question.  It’s always great to get a good review, no one minds that.  However, a scathing review—I have never even remotely written one—is rather hard to swallow.  Frankly, if I hated a book, I would never finish it.   I have had people not like My Body-His and yet say they plan to read the second and third book of the Trilogy.  Not that I mind, but what is that about?

Fortunately, most of my reviews have been great or at least good.  I knew, going into getting published, that not everyone would enjoy the suspense, tension, excitement of Jane’s journey.  All anyone has to do is read reviews on anything like movies, music, art shows, etc. to know, there are always contrary view points.  This is where I either need to grow tougher skin or stop reading the reviews.  So it begs the question, should I keep reading them or not?  I’m not sure I have the self-discipline at this point to stay away.  Especially with My Body-His (Marcello) hitting the stands in March.

On the plus side of all this review business, when I received my very first one star review from La Crimson Femme, I thought it such a great review (she loved my writing style but not the story), that I thanked her for the review.  People had commented below her post, wondering what the author was thinking regarding a few choices in the novel so I began a dialogue with the reviewer and a few other people which can be found on Goodreads.

She later asked me if I would be interested in participating in the BDSM Bedtime Stories that they create using a scene from an erotic novel.  I was pleased to be asked and we have forged a tremendous respect for one another.

Entering into any new venture there is always so much to learn.  I have discovered yet again the power of being kind and respectful.  Check out La Crimson Femme’s blog which has the audio BDSM Bedtime Story from My Body-His (Marcello).  Below the audio is a blog she wrote about me:  Thanks again LCF!

I’m still on the fence regarding reading more reviews but I now know never to read the bad ones when I’m not feeling well and my defenses are down.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the New Year.  Love to read your comments.

Warm hugs,


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Find My Body-His (book one) for sale on Amazon here.

Find My Body-His Marcello (book two) for pre-sale on Amazon here.

2 thoughts on “Reviews: To Read or Not to Read

  1. Although I’ve yet to be published I do seek out reviews from different people to get a feel for how well I’m writing my stories. And you are right about one thing…Do NOTask for a review when you feel lousy because the review seems to be written in all caps. 😉 However, having the opportunity to discuss your motives is truly a worthwhile treasure. I can always learn something from feedback even if it’s to stick with what I’ve written against someone else wanting me to change the story. It’s a product to be marketed so I need to be in love with my product to sell it. Thanks for sharing.

  2. ^_^ – Thanks for the mention. I will have to say that review was very difficult to write. I wanted to love the book so much and I did feel badly for rating it a one star. Not so much because I was the first one, but because you are a new author and I see such great potential. The main character just rubbed it wrong for me.

    Still, I’m very glad others have picked it up and enjoyed it. I knew the group I’m in would have women really loving the book.

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