Blakely’s Friday Interview with Zax Vagen

Please give a warm welcome to Zax Vagen, author of Finding the Soul Bridge.

41eR+uFdWNL._UX250_Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I am a diverse character with many talents. When I was just a young boy, my father told me that I could be anything that I chose to be. I misunderstood his meaning as; “You can be everything.” Now I am just a plumber… and and electrician… and I own and run three small businesses, P.S Plumbing services, Renewable energy products and GreenEarth WormFarms. I’m also a boat captain, a scuba diving instructor, a real estate investor, a snake wrangler and shark diver extraordinaire… I write fantasy, scifi, motivation and romance. I have built a ship, been shipwrecked, gone bankrupt, restarted, patented inventions, started a new industry, written and published a novel, acted in five movies and planted more than 1000 trees. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Jim Melvin

Please give a warm welcome to Jim Melvin, author of The Death Wizard Chronicles, a six-book epic fantasy.

jimnoglasses (1)Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
First, thanks so much for providing this service to writers. I know it’s a lot of work, but it means so much to anyone not named J.K. Rowling or Stephen King. 🙂

I am a long-time journalist who has worked in a variety of capacities at several large newspapers, including the St. Petersburg Times (now called the Tampa Bay Times), the Greenville News and the Charlotte Observer. But though I have supported myself and my family as a journalist, I consider myself to be a novelist trapped in a journalist’s body.

I am currently working on finishing the editing and production aspects of my six-book epic fantasy titled The Death Wizard Chronicles — via my publisher, Bell Bridge Books. Five books have been released, with Book 1 (Forged in Death) having become an Amazon No. 1 best-seller free on Kindle. Continue reading