What Makes Us Happy?

On Saturday night my husband, Dana, and I went to a dance and when…


…HAPPY started to play I thought about what really makes me happy. You might be surprised to learn that being an author—my dream job—so far hasn’t done that. I have happy moments for sure. Fabulous reviews, meeting my readers, forging new friendships, being satisfied with my writing but overall I honestly can’t say it’s made me happy on an ongoing basis. It can be hard, frustrating, annihilating, disheartening and many other adjectives.ME_293_WantYouToBeHappy

As my very optimistic husband likes to remind me, it’s happening. Maybe not as quickly as I’d like (patience, not a virtue I’ve acquired), but sales are growing each month and I’m being highly productive.

So what makes me truly happy? Being married to Dana. I firmly believe that our relationship is one of my biggest, best accomplishments. He is so loving and supportive of me as an author and a person and I feel the same about him. I know how lucky I am and will never take it for granted.

I’m happy when I’m lost in a great novel that takes me places I’ve never been before. If I’m lying in the sun naked at the same time, then I’m really happy. I love observing art in all forms including the incredible art in nature and the universe. Along with nature, people chasing after their dreams move and inspire me.

I’m overjoyed that I have an incredible relationship with my daughter and stepdaughters and I also find happiness in offering support to my friends. I get jazzed meeting new people and forging new connections.

As you may have surmised, my happiness stems from my relationships more than anything else, and art second. My chosen profession, at least at this point in time, comes in at a distant third. Thankfully, I’m highly driven to change that.

What makes you happy? What makes your life more fulfilling? I’d love to hear from you.

Warm hugs,


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4 thoughts on “What Makes Us Happy?

  1. Wow.. you nailed this blog. This blog, to me, was especially awesome for countless reasons.. but here are a few:
    1. I have been very unhappy lately, and this was a great reminder of WHAT DOES make me happy.
    2. It was clearly written from your heart, which I KNOW to be a very ‘happy’ place.
    3. It was written, not to brag or boast about how happy YOU are, but to remind your readers that sometimes it’s the simple things that we ALL take for granted that we so often forget in our busy lives.
    4. This blog made ME happy. For the gift you gave me in that feeling, for the gift you give all your readers by your awesome artistic talent, and for sharing your heart with the world… THANK YOU!

    • Thank you so much Teresa!!! Your comment brought a huge smile to my face! I’m very happy the blog spoke to you!

      Warmest hugs,

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