While I Was Away


Alice Popkorn – http://goo.gl/ex4LVu

What I realized:
While taking time off from social media and writing, it became clear to me that I need to spend more time doing what I truly love to do and spend less hours of the day on social media constantly pushing and promoting. I’m not saying there is no value to promoting; however I do believe that more books and less promotion will generate more sales than fewer novels and more advertising.

Experience more of the dream than the nightmare:
More importantly, I love the writing and get totally burnt out on the constant pushing for more sales. Plus, I’m happier when I’m creating and have more energy overall.

Taking better care of myself physically:
In addition, I’ve decided that exercise, stretching and time away from the computer needs to have a greater priority over work. I feel so much better when I start the day out right and not just hop to my 150 notifications on Facebook.

And emotionally:
I will no longer read my reviews. Although most are wonderful, it’s the bad ones that stick with me. Like a bad drug, I’m giving it up!

(After writing this blog, I watched this video that my husband shared with me. It really touched me deeply and totally addresses my struggle. Take the time to watch it. It’s well worth your time.)

It’s up to me to make the journey of chasing the dream a great experience and since I’m my own boss, there is only me to blame if I’m not having fun.

Here’s to experiencing more joy!

Warm hugs,

Please feel free to friend me on Facebook.
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Photo by Alice Popkorn


6 thoughts on “While I Was Away

  1. I can understand getting away from social media somewhat. You’ve got to take care of yourself. As far as the reviews, I can understand that. It’s always the bad that tends to stick with us. You are an amazing writer, and I love you for who you are. Not just your writing. You do what you need to do gun!!

  2. Blakely…

    Thank you for sharing such a powerful message. This is my mantra, yet sometimes, I feel I’ve waited too late in my life to do this.

    Your intentions are great, and I understand why you’ve decided to implement them. I’m at that same place. We’re both looking for balance, and hopefully, we’ll find it.

    Don’t let the bad reviews rule your actions…I went through a very rough time in 2013. It was so bad, I left social media altogether, for about nine weeks. I had my legs cut out from under me, so to speak. Friends stood in front of me, when I couldn’t stand on my own. Many stood behind me when I ventured back onto the horse. I realized that I had survived the worst anyone could do to me, already. This was just child’s play.

    There are 7 billion people in this world…don’t let one social retard dictate the course of your day. Read your wonderful reviews (I have…and I bought your book because of them) and relish every beautiful word. You are a gifted writer/artist. Share your craft and enjoy the accolades it receives.

    Love and hugs, dear friend…


    • Thank you Taylor for your incredible support. I’m a work in progress and trying to find the balance so I can love my dream job instead of dreading it.

      Warmest love and hugs back,

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