Blakely’s Friday Interview with Ronald Paxton

Please give a warm welcome to Ronald Paxton, author of Winter Songs, Deep Water, and Haven.

photo[1]Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I’m married and Live in Newport News, Virginia. I’ve been writing seriously for about ten years and have published over forty short stories. I have also written five novels, three of which are currently available on Amazon. I’m in the process of developing ideas for my next book.

“Soul Man,” is scheduled for release by Moonshine Cove Publishing in April 2015. “Broken” is scheduled for a January 2016 release by Deer Hawk Publications. “Haven” was released on 7/1/14 by World Castle Publishing and is available on Amazon. I am currently working on “Silent Waltz,” the fourth novel in the Salem Matthews series. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Matthew Peters

Please give a warm welcome to Matthew Peters, author of The Brothers’ Keepers and Conversations Among Ruins.

Matthew PetersTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I’m a recovering academic who now writes fiction. I’m promoting a religious mystery/thriller called The Brothers’ Keepers and a literary novel called Conversations Among Ruins.

Who or what inspires you?
Music inspires me, especially classical music, Leonard Cohen, and my favorite country singer Jeanne Jolly.

Do you have an agent and/or publisher or are you self-published? If self-published, do you use a professional editor? If traditionally published, who is your publisher?
Both my books have been picked up by small presses. All Things That Matter Press is publishing Conversations Among Ruins and MuseItUp is publishing The Brothers’ Keepers. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Clara Grace Walker

Please give a warm welcome to Clara Grace Walker, author of Gratification, Gossip, and Redemption.

AuthorPhotoOption2Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
At 9 years old I realized I loved books so much I wanted to write them. While I have worked “day jobs” at times, nothing has ever felt like my true calling, save being an author. I’m a creative soul, and I like to express that in a number of different ways, including photography, scrapbooking and various crafting projects.

Currently, I’m promoting the three books that make up my Desire Never Dies trilogy: Gratification, Gossip, and Redemption, while working on my fourth novel. Exploits will be the first of a 4-book series titled Sex and Secrets. This writing gig keeps me pretty busy, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 🙂  Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Jim Melvin

Please give a warm welcome to Jim Melvin, author of The Death Wizard Chronicles, a six-book epic fantasy.

jimnoglasses (1)Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
First, thanks so much for providing this service to writers. I know it’s a lot of work, but it means so much to anyone not named J.K. Rowling or Stephen King. 🙂

I am a long-time journalist who has worked in a variety of capacities at several large newspapers, including the St. Petersburg Times (now called the Tampa Bay Times), the Greenville News and the Charlotte Observer. But though I have supported myself and my family as a journalist, I consider myself to be a novelist trapped in a journalist’s body.

I am currently working on finishing the editing and production aspects of my six-book epic fantasy titled The Death Wizard Chronicles — via my publisher, Bell Bridge Books. Five books have been released, with Book 1 (Forged in Death) having become an Amazon No. 1 best-seller free on Kindle. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Stuart Land

Please give a warm welcome to Stuart Land, author of Endless Sky.

Stuart-CambodiaTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
Hi! My pen name is Stuart Land…wait, that’s also my real name. Today, I’m a full-time novelist and screenwriter. Well, today and for the next few months, I’m a novelist. I might be a screenwriter for the next few months after that, though. Sometimes I’m also a sculptor and occasionally work on movies. I worked in Hollywood for 15 years doing sculpture for special effects, and twice within the last year and a half I went to Beijing to work on Chinese films. This turned out to be a double treat as they also bought one of my scripts. It also played havoc with my novel writing since I was in the middle of two novels at the time.  Continue reading

Risque’ Interview of Blakely and Announcements

Hi to all my lovely readers,

I’m featured on another blog called The Sassy Pen. Check out my interview and spotlight. There are more questions past the blurbs for each book, so make sure to scroll down.

I'll soon have another cover to add to the list.

I’ll soon have another cover to add to the list.

I have a cover reveal coming up on July 14th and a release blast August 5-7 for Bittersweet Deceit. If you’d like to participate (review copies available) you can sign up HERE. I’m also accepting donations for my celebration giveaway. If you’d like to donate, you can sign up HERE.

I won’t be posting author interviews for the months of July and August. We plan to be spending a lot of time up at the lake where we don’t have WiFi. The interviews will resume September 5th.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. I’m actually sporting a tan!

Warm hugs,


Please feel free to friend me on Facebook.
Find me Twitter & Pinterest.

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Eleanor Green

Please give a warm welcome to Eleanor Green, author of Torn.

profile2Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
Hi there! I’m Eleanor Green and I’ve recently released Torn, a New Adult Romance!

Has a dream every inspired any of your stories?
Yes! I’m sure I’m not alone in this, but I have crazy-ass dreams! Some are worth writing down, others have me guessing, Why did I just dream that Patrick Dempsey was seducing me in a booth while I interviewed someone for a job? I don’t even find him attractive. What the hell did I eat last night? Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Cynthia Sax

Please give a warm welcome to Cynthia Sax, author of Flashes of Me.

Flashes of MeTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
Hi! (waves) I’m Cynthia Sax and I write contemporary, SciFi and paranormal erotic romances. My latest release is Flashes of Me, a 200 page contemporary erotic romance published with Avon. This is a modern twist on Beauty and the Beast with one very hunky head of cyber security and a beautiful yet secretive young intern.

What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
Flashes Of Me, my most recent release, is a contemporary erotic romance. I love the purism of contemporary as much of the focus is on the characters. I don’t have to explain how a modern door works. (grins) I also write SciFi and paranormal erotic romances. That’s where I have fun with the big world building. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Deanndra Hall

Please give a warm welcome to Deanndra Hall, author of The Celtic Fan. I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to chat with her and I know you will find her to be another accessible author.

DH1Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I’m a hard-working author living out my dream here in far western Kentucky with my partner of 30+ years and three crazy miniature dachshunds. I’m currently promoting my newest book, The Celtic Fan.

What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
I write in both the erotic romance and erotica genres. This summer I’ll be starting a new series that will be a paranormal romance and it’ll be unlike anything I’ve seen. I’m looking forward to that. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Evi Asher

Please give a warm welcome to Evi Asher, Author of the Eternals Series: Burning Ember, Burning to Ashes, & Forever Burning.

EviTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I’ve got three projects running at the moment. The Eternals Series—The first miniseries in that is out, The Burning Mini. A YA book called More Things in Heaven and Earth, and a new series entitled Echelon that will be a bit of a post-apocalyptic paranormal romance series.

What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
I love Paranormal-Romance, but I do write other genres, Young Adult being my second favorite.

Who or what inspires you?
In one word: EVERYTHING. It could be a line in a movie, or a song on the radio or a dream. My inspiration comes from all around me.

Has a dream every inspired any of your stories?
Oh yes, the young adult book I’m working on More things in Heaven and Earth is based on a dream I had when I was a teenager, that I never forgot.

Do you have an agent and/or publisher or are you self-published? If self-published, do you use a professional editor? If traditionally published, who is your publisher?
I have a publisher. I work with Extasy Books. They are fantastic.

Do you use test readers? If so, how many?
I don’t have “test readers” as much as I have a writing circle. It’s a small circle, only four of us, but they do read my work, or bounce ideas off each other.

What advice do you have for writer’s just starting out?
Don’t give up! (and I can’t stress that enough) That is the thing that kills more writing careers than anything else. Keep trying no matter how many rejections you get. If they (the publisher) address the rejection to you personally instead of “Dear Author” count it as a win, and keep going.

Do you set writing goals and if so, what are they?
Yes I do, I try and write a minimum of 1250 words a day. Life gets in the way and I have many other things, but there are days that I have written 5k or more.

Do you outline your stories or just go with the flow?
Outline and then some. I start with what I call “the bones” it’s the skeleton, the base story idea and where I want it to go. Then I do chapter breakdowns, but I don’t let it stifle me, if I come up with a good idea while I’m writing, I’ll go with it.

What does your writing space look like?
PINK haha, I have a small desk and everything is organized. Pink makes me happy so it’s my dominant color.

What project are you currently working on?
I’m currently writing Book 6 in the Eternals series.

Is being an author your dream job? If so, how long have you been chasing the dream? If not, what would be your dream job?
Yes, I’ve wanted to be a writer my whole life. To be a published author is a dream come true for me.

What book are you currently reading?
Grave Peril by Jim Butcher. It’s part of the Dresdan Files. I love Harry Dresdan.

What has been your best moment as a writer?
When my EIC contacted me to get my series title so she could send me my contract. It was payoff for a heap of hard work

What do you do when you’re not writing?
I’m a mom and wife, but that’s my other day (night 24/7 ) job. I love crafts, I knit and cross stich and sew teddy bears (of all things)

How much time a day do you spend on social media?
About 2 hours a day, maybe more.

I have found the writer’s community to be very supportive and welcoming. Please share who you recommend for us to check out. Bridgitte Lesley

You can find Evi on her website, Facebook, Facebook page, and Twitter.