Blakely’s Kinky Korner with Chainz Payne #8

11186350_1066502983379071_388392555_nPlease give warm hugs and a wet kisses to Kinkster Chainz Payne. She is going to share with us today what makes her kinky and what really turns her on. Hopefully, we will all learn something or at the very least get a few new good ideas. 🙂

Blakely: Hi Chainz Payne. Thank you so much for joining us today! We are all looking forward to finding out what makes you kinky.
Chainz: Hi, Thank you for letting me share what I call my wonderland.

Blakely: What’s your definition of kinky?
Chainz: Being turned on in a non traditional way, to some maybe past the point of so called normal. I think it’s the point where wild, sexual, and weird meet! Continue reading

Me? A Sex Advocate?

ID-10075840My true calling is definitely being an author, but I think a close second might have been as a sex therapist. Maybe because I believe sex is such an important factor for a healthy, long-term relationship, I find myself sometimes pushing and prodding my friends to make changes, which will leave them more satisfied (in my not so humble opinion).

Since I’m sexually open, I think people tend to be honest with me about their sex lives. At that point, if I see something they themselves can do to make it better—because they are complaining—I can be pretty blatant with my advice. On several occasions, it’s really made a difference for them so it hasn’t discouraged my behavior. Continue reading

Blakely’s Kinky Korner with Miss Chief #7

11186350_1066502983379071_388392555_nPlease give warm hugs and a wet, juicy snogs to Kinkster Miss Chief. She is going to share with us today what makes her kinky and what really turns her on. I’m really excited about this one. 😉

Blakely: Hi Miss Chief. Thank you so much for joining us today! We are all looking forward to finding out what makes you kinky.
Miss Chief: Hi Blakely, thank you for having me. I’ll try and keep this clean as possible.. Pffft who am I kidding!! We don’t want clean do we?? Continue reading

Blakely’s Kinky Korner #6

11186350_1066502983379071_388392555_nI’m excited to introduce you to Kinkster Vivienne Kaye. She is going to share with us today what makes her kinky and what really turns her on. I learned something new during this interview, maybe you will too. 😉

Blakely: Hi Vivienne Kaye. Thank you so much for joining us today! We are all looking forward to finding out what makes you kinky.
Vivienne: Thank you for inviting me Blakely. Continue reading

Blakely’s Kinky Korner 5th episode

11186350_1066502983379071_388392555_nPlease give warm hugs and a wet kisses to Kinkster VM Holk. She is going to share with us today what makes her kinky and what really turns her on. Hopefully, we will all learn something or at the very least get a few new good ideas. 🙂 Continue reading

Blakely’s Kinky Korner 4th episode

11186350_1066502983379071_388392555_nPlease give warm hugs and a wet snog to Kinkster Frank Noir. He is going to share with us today what makes him kinky and what really turns him on. Hopefully, we will all learn something or at the very least get a few new good ideas. 🙂

Blakely: Hi Frank. Thank you so much for joining us today! We are all looking forward to finding out what makes you kinky.
Frank: Hi Blakely. Thanks for inviting me. I will try to answer as honestly as I possibly can. Continue reading

Can You Fall in Love Online?

onlineI asked this question of my Facebook friends and I was genuinely surprised to find out how many had met their spouses, partners, and lovers online. Many have been together 10+ years and counting.

I guess it’s not a complete surprise to me. I don’t think I’ve ever fallen in love online, although I definitely love friends I have met online and have yet to met in person. It’s definitely a different kind of love, but it’s still there. Continue reading

Blakely’s Kinky Korner #3

11186350_1066502983379071_388392555_nPlease give warm hugs and a wet kiss to Kinkster Deanndra. She is going to share with us today what makes her kinky and what really turns her on. Hopefully, we will all learn something or at the very least get a few new good ideas. 🙂

11125388_1635175703368293_173852556_nBlakely: Hi Deanndra. Thank you so much for joining us today! We are all looking forward to finding out what makes you kinky.
Deanndra: Ooooo, this is gonna be fun. Hope I don’t embarrass anyone too much. But the ideas I give someone could get them into trouble. I hope they’re fully prepared for that.

Blakely: What’s your definition of kinky?
Deanndra: Hmmm . . . I’d say reading the Kama Sutra front to back and making notes, and hanging out in adult stores more than in grocery stores, shoe stores, or boutiques. Having a professional mechanic’s tool chest full of toys and other goodies will do it too. Now I’m telling on myself, huh? Continue reading

Blakely’s Kinky Korner #1


Please give warm hugs and a wet snog to Kinkster Tammatha. She is going to share with us today what makes her kinky and what really turns her on. Hopefully, we will all learn something or at the very least get a few new good ideas. 🙂

11195451_10153166674235943_1514732539_nBlakely: Hi Tammatha. Welcome to Blakely’s Kinky Korner! Thank you so much for being my very first interviewee! <3
Tammatha: Hi Blakely Thank you for having me. I never really considered myself a kinster until people actually call my likes kinky.

Blakely: What do you think makes you kinky?
Tammatha: I think what makes me kinky is that my taste are out of the “norm” of what people would normally try or do. There aren’t very many things in the sexual realm I would not try. Continue reading

Your Spouse’s Sexual Needs

ID-10076442One of my best friends (who is a man and married) and I were just chatting about sex in marriage and I decided you all might want to chime in. I strongly believe as a loving, caring spouse, one should be concerned and invested in meeting their partner’s sexual needs. So many of my male friends are sexually dissatisfied at home. Their spouses don’t seem to want or need sex anymore, and are unwilling to make any strides to find out why that might be like hormone level testing and the like. Continue reading