Why Every Woman Should Masturbate

6212484239_bddc00230a_zI’m a masturbation enthusiast. I believe learning the ins and outs of yourself (so to speak) makes you a better lover and most definitely a better teacher for your partner on what works for you.

My husband recently shared with me an article called 13 Reasons Every Woman Should Masturbate Regularly. Before I delve into Alanna Vagianos’s reasons, I’d like to reiterate a couple of my own. Continue reading

Is it really me … or is it you?

8635216355_51c0b326bf_zWhy is it that when someone doesn’t like me or what I create, my response is to like myself less instead of liking them less? Last night, sitting on the couch with my husband watching a movie, my mind wandered and the above is what came to me.

Anthropologically it makes sense to me. We, as a species, needed to care what the tribe thought so we could all survive.

Most of us care about what other people think. I get that. Short of the few narcissists I have met in my life, it seems to plague all of us to some extent. Continue reading

My New Year’s Resolutions for 2015

calvin-hobbes-new-years-resolutionsIt’s that time again to focus on our goals and resolutions for the upcoming year. I reread mine from last year and many will be the same for this year. I almost hit all my writing goals (different stories than I imagined), which is good and bad. I still haven’t found a good balance between writing, social media and relaxing. I definitely worked too much this year as well. So here goes: Continue reading

The Art of Conversation

converseOne of the more important factors for me, in writing a novel, is the dialogue between the characters. It must flow in a natural way and my readers should actually feel the different cadence between different people in the story.

Why is this on my mind? Well I’ll tell you…

My husband and I were out for our walk the other day and we ran into some female friends. When my girlfriends and I get together and are excited about a topic, we tend to share the conversation. Sometimes our comments even overlap. Maybe it’s a girl thing? Continue reading

Sneak Preview of Chapter One for Blue Persuasion

Below is the first chapter in BLUE PERSUASION, book three of the Bound by Your Love Series, Copyright © 2015 by Blakely Bennett. (EROTIC CONTENT – please be at least 18 years of age) This is the first draft so it’s still a work in progress. I would love to know whether or not you feel compelled to read more. Please comment. Thanks! Links to STUCK IN BETWEEN & BITTERSWEET DECEIT (all books can be read as stand alone). Continue reading

Loyalty or Honesty?

9534939484_856cabdf45_oI posited this question on Facebook and found the answers incredibly interesting. Firstly, my response: Loyalty. In truth, no one is 100% honest. Sometimes people aren’t even honest with themselves. With loyalty, I know they will do their level best to take care of my heart and have my back.

I was shocked at the number of people who said the two concepts were one and the same or that you can’t have one without the other. I beg to differ. Continue reading

And the Breast Wins

boobageFor those of you who don’t follow me on Facebook, I periodically ask questions of my friends, on my timeline, about all kinds of things. After having a conversation with my daughter about the different words for breasts, I decided to ask my Facebook crew how they weigh in on the terms. Terms ran the gambit from breast, boobs, tits, boobies, mammaries, the girls, to milk jugs, twin peaks, bazookas, knockers, fun bags, sweet tomatoes, and many others. Continue reading

What Women Really Want in a Man

robert-redford-shared-photo-1181617560Here’s what I’ve learned from interacting with my readers:

  1. We want a man who is strong with a sensitive side.
  2. Romance us. We want a man who will surprise us now and again.
  3. We crave empathy and understanding. Put away all your tools for fixing things and just hold us and tell us it’ll be okay.
  4. Most of us enjoy a door held open for us and chair pulled out.
  5. We love you taking control in the bedroom but not in the rest of our lives.
  6. We never tire of compliments. Telling us we look beautiful never gets old.
  7. We crave your interest in us. Take the time to get know us. Ask questions.
  8. We want a man who is confident enough to share his flaws. We aren’t looking for perfection.
  9. Loyalty and honesty tops the traits most women look for in a man.
  10. We want a man that takes his time to learn our body. His excitement steams from bringing us to intense orgasms.

Continue reading

Nanowrimo and Fitness Challenge

November is the month for me to get off my ass, literally and figuratively. Although I’m not entering any of the Nanowrimo contests and I’ve already started my novel, I am using the daily discipline to help me finish Blue Persuasion this month. That’s right, you heard it here first!  Continue reading

Fellatio, On and Off the Page

bubbleI am a huge fan of blowjobs, which is really a silly name for taking a wonderful cock into your mouth for play. There is no blowing and there is no work involved. So who came up with that name? I much prefer suckling delight or fellatio.

I enjoy the practice of it, writing about it, and reading stories that contain the act. However, I have a few friends that don’t care for reading about blowjobs and avoid engaging in them at all costs. In both cases, they had BAD past experiences. Continue reading