Blakely’s Kinky Korner #3

11186350_1066502983379071_388392555_nPlease give warm hugs and a wet kiss to Kinkster Deanndra. She is going to share with us today what makes her kinky and what really turns her on. Hopefully, we will all learn something or at the very least get a few new good ideas. 🙂

11125388_1635175703368293_173852556_nBlakely: Hi Deanndra. Thank you so much for joining us today! We are all looking forward to finding out what makes you kinky.
Deanndra: Ooooo, this is gonna be fun. Hope I don’t embarrass anyone too much. But the ideas I give someone could get them into trouble. I hope they’re fully prepared for that.

Blakely: What’s your definition of kinky?
Deanndra: Hmmm . . . I’d say reading the Kama Sutra front to back and making notes, and hanging out in adult stores more than in grocery stores, shoe stores, or boutiques. Having a professional mechanic’s tool chest full of toys and other goodies will do it too. Now I’m telling on myself, huh? Continue reading

Blakely’s Kinky Korner #2

11186350_1066502983379071_388392555_nPlease give warm hugs and a wet snog to Kinkster Neil. He is going to share with us today what makes him kinky and what really turns him on. Hopefully, we will all learn something or at the very least get a few new good ideas. 🙂

Blakely: Hi Neil. Thank you so much for joining us today! We are all looking forward to finding out what makes you kinky.
Neil: This should be really fun. Continue reading

Blakely’s Kinky Korner #1


Please give warm hugs and a wet snog to Kinkster Tammatha. She is going to share with us today what makes her kinky and what really turns her on. Hopefully, we will all learn something or at the very least get a few new good ideas. 🙂

11195451_10153166674235943_1514732539_nBlakely: Hi Tammatha. Welcome to Blakely’s Kinky Korner! Thank you so much for being my very first interviewee! <3
Tammatha: Hi Blakely Thank you for having me. I never really considered myself a kinster until people actually call my likes kinky.

Blakely: What do you think makes you kinky?
Tammatha: I think what makes me kinky is that my taste are out of the “norm” of what people would normally try or do. There aren’t very many things in the sexual realm I would not try. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Zax Vagen

Please give a warm welcome to Zax Vagen, author of Finding the Soul Bridge.

41eR+uFdWNL._UX250_Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I am a diverse character with many talents. When I was just a young boy, my father told me that I could be anything that I chose to be. I misunderstood his meaning as; “You can be everything.” Now I am just a plumber… and and electrician… and I own and run three small businesses, P.S Plumbing services, Renewable energy products and GreenEarth WormFarms. I’m also a boat captain, a scuba diving instructor, a real estate investor, a snake wrangler and shark diver extraordinaire… I write fantasy, scifi, motivation and romance. I have built a ship, been shipwrecked, gone bankrupt, restarted, patented inventions, started a new industry, written and published a novel, acted in five movies and planted more than 1000 trees. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Marla Monroe

Please give a warm welcome to Marla Monroe, author of Their Independent Submissive, book 5 in the Knights in Black Leather.

Marla MonroeTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I’m from the South, as in Mississippi. I love to read, write, listen to books on my MP3 player, chase my cats, and, well, read. Siren Publishing just released Their Independent Submissive, book 5 in the Knights in Black Leather.

What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
Men of the Border Lands is a post-apocalyptic ménage series. Wounded Warriors is an aftermath Military series. I write everything from bikers to cowboys and anything in between. The only genres I don’t write are Inspirational and Historical and of course, YA. Presently I have bear shifters, wolf shifters, bikers, cowboys, Space Travel, BDSM, and much more. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with A.C. Burch

Please give a warm welcome to A.C. Burch, author of The HomePort Journals.

Art MahoneyTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I’m currently promoting The HomePort Journals, which is being released in TODAY by Wilde City Press. Rumors of a sixty-year-old murder have estranged two childhood friends for more than a half-century. An unlikely assortment of characters set out to find out what really happened. In the process they become a family—the kind of family Armistead Maupin calls a “logical” family as opposed to a “biological” family.

I’ve lived in Provincetown for nearly thirty years in a wonderful old house that looks out over the harbor. In addition to writing, I enjoy making music, photography, the visual arts, and sailing around Cape Cod Bay. Because I’ve lived there so long, I think The HomePort Journals does a good job of describing what it’s like to live in Provincetown, especially off-season. I’ve tried to capture the natural beauty of lesser-known parts of town as well as the wonderful, wacky, passionate people who are drawn to the place.

And now for the shameless pitch: You can buy the e-Book on Amazon today!  The Paperback will be out in May. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Gary Starta

Please give a warm welcome to Gary Starta, author of Coalescence (Camden Investigations Book 1).

Gary Starta Caitlin Diggs SeriesTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I am a former journalist who began writing fiction novels 10 years ago. Since then, I have written cross-genre SCI FI. At least, that’s what I sometimes call it, or, Fiction on the Fringe of Genre. I have released the first book of my trilogy Coalescence (Camden Investigations Book 1) on January 31st.

What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
My book Coalescence would definitely be science fiction, however, there is some romance, a thriller element and mystery. My previous series, Caitlin Diggs, ran the gamut from crime thriller to urban fantasy. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Ashlynn Aimes

Please give a warm welcome to Ashlynn Aimes, erotica short stories author of the College Deviance series.

10421472_1380700695557795_4633702467540198387_nTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
Well, I’m an ex-military housewife. I have a degree in Psychology (I joined the military to help pay off student loans). My husband is the one who convinced me to try writing smut, and he’s been very happy with the results (after all, you can’t write good smut unless you enjoy what you’re writing about if you know what I mean). I hope someday to make a decent living at it.

What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
Currently I write strictly erotica shorts. I like writing about gangbangs and extreme kink fetishes such as watersports and fisting. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Dakota Dawson

Please give a warm welcome to Dakota Dawson, author of several short stories including Fulfilling Rachel: The Sexcation.

dakotaauthorTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I’m an “experimenter” and love sex in almost every form. I have very few hang-ups and don’t judge anyone for their kinks and fetishes. As long as you enjoy what you’re doing and aren’t harming anyone (non-consensually of course), I think it’s awesome! I have a degree in English, but don’t blame me for mistakes, as I believe in descriptive vs prescriptive. Right now I am finishing up a foursome story (which might be based on a true story…), and in the middle of a dystopian erotica story. In the latter, sex has become a form of entertainment similar to television that is solely done through virtual reality. My protagonist breaks free from the mold and looks for physical interaction, no matter what the risk. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Scarlett Finn

Please give a warm welcome to Scarlett Finn, author of Explicit Instruction.

What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
I write romance. All of my novels have romance as their central theme. I’ve published in contemporary romance and romantic suspense, and have dallied in other romance genres in my private collection too.

Who or what inspires you?
Many things inspire me. I find that there are ideas all around us and even the simplest gesture or statement can lead to a spark of inspiration, which can be a springboard into the premise of a novel. Continue reading